for Better Sleep
Bettina Rasmussen
June 2023
Sleep is a sure thing for most of our lives, and we don’t
think too much about it until sleep becomes a problem….. Often sleep issues
come at a time of stress, worries, or emotional upset and can last until our
lives are calm again. There seem to be different types of sleep issues; falling
asleep can be difficult due to stress or repeated unwanted thoughts or we might
feel restless; we wake up in the middle of the night or early morning and our
thought prevents us from going back to sleep. In addition, there are times when
we just can’t sleep, our mind is calm, our body relaxed, and we are wide awake.
The good thing is that there are solutions both with better sleep habits and
supplements that help us sleep.
Some habits that can
improve your sleep:
- Be
consistent. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same
time each morning, including on the weekends.
- Make
sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable
- Play
soothing music to promote sleep. Some phones have a Zen Mode that turns
off distractions on your phone then it soothes you to sleep.
- Remove
electronic devices from the bedroom, such as TVs, computers, and
smartphones (unless it is to play soothing music).
- Meditate
or do calming Yoga before sleep to transition to a slow sleep rhythm.
- Avoid
large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.
- Get
some exercise. Being physically active during the day can help you fall
asleep more easily at night.
- When
you are under a lot of stress, your sleep might be affected, try to find
ways of eliminating stress in your daily life. Read about the Bach Flower
Remedies and how to balance your emotions with the Bach Flower Remedies at
Supplements that aid when we are
having sleep issues: Can be found at
- Rescue
Sleep by Bach helps when you feel restless and your thoughts prevent you
from sleeping.
- Homeopathic
Remedies designed to help you sleep such as; Moon Drops by Historical
Remedies, Calms Forte by Hyland’s, Sleep by Helios, SleepCalm or
StressCalm by Boiron
Oils such as; SLEEP or CBD NON-Hemp by Source Pure.
- Herbal
Supplements such as; Valerian Easy Sleep or Sleep Science
NutraSleep by Source Natural.
- For
Restless or Leg Cramps try Rescue Sleep, Leg Cramps by Hyland’s, Arnicare
Leg Cramps or Leg Pain Relief by Boiron.
- Melatonin
when everything else fails such as; Rescue PLUS Sleep Gummies
Please note that each of us is
different and might respond differently to sleep aids, for some one thing works
and not for others. My suggestions are to start with Rescue Remedy Sleep and
Homeopathic Remedies and if those don’t work after using them consistently try
herbal supplements and finally Melatonin.
In extreme cases, you might want
to consult with an Acupuncturist trained in TCM to balance your inner organs.
Sleep is important for our body both mentally and physically to help us process
our day and regenerate our body and prepare us for another day. Don’t give up
there is a solution for anyone.
If you need help please contact us at [email protected]