Bach Kit for Animal Lovers
This wonderful kit for pet owners contains the book Bach Flower Remedies for Animals, 20ml Rescue Remedy, 30g Rescue Remedy Cream.
FREE Bach Flower Questionnaire for Animals
The Bach Flower Remedies is a wonderful healing system safe for the whole family including your pets. Need help selecting the correct remedies for your Animal's specific situation? Try fill out our questionnaire to see which remedies could benefit your animals.
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Kit for Horse Lovers
This kit is for the caring horse and pony owner who prefer to treat problems before they start, who is ready to start using the Bach Flower Remedies when their horse or pony feels anxious and stressed.
Rescue Remedy Pet 🐾 20ml (Drops)
Alcohol Free. Works wonders for animals who are impatient, fearful, and have been through traumatic situations. Used for fear of thunder or fireworks, and for animals who do not feel at peace with themselves.
Add 2 drops to their drinking water and see how quickly they return to normal.
Inactive Ingredients: 80% Vegetable Glycerin, 20% Water
Price: $29.00
Sale Price: $25.95
Rescue Remedy Pet Sleep 🐾 10ml (Drops)
Alcohol Free. Helps relieve restless nighttime behavior: hyperactivity; trouble sleeping caused by an overactive mind & body; stress, tension, & anxiousness.
Inactive Ingredients: 80% Vegetable Glycerin, 20% Water
Rescue Remedy Pet 🐾 10ml (Drops)
Alcohol Free. Works wonders for animals who are impatient, fearful, and have been through traumatic situations. Used with for fear of thunder, firework, or do animal does not feel at peace with themselves.
Add 2 drops to their drinking water and see how quickly they return to normal.
Inactive Ingredients: 80% Vegetable Glycerin, 20% water
Price: $21.00
Sale Price: $18.95
Starter Kit for Animal Lovers
This kit is for the caring pet owner who prefer to treat problems before they start and who is ready to start using the Bach Flower Remedies when their pet feels anxious and stressed.