Free Literature - Questionnaire
The Questionnaire is a guide that can help you select the correct combination of remedies for your specific needs.
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Test your Bach Remedy Knowledge
Test your Basic Knowledge about the Bach Flower Remedies on this free 16 Question Quiz.
(Get all 34 points by answering all the questions correctly and get a $5.00 Coupon for your next order.)
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Literature - Rescue Remedy Chart 5.5"x 8.5"
A handy resource offering information about Rescue Remedy: what it's
used for, the individual remedies included in it, and the different
products containing Rescue Remedy.
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"A Practical Guide To The Bach Flower Remedies" by Bettina Rasmussen
After working with the Bach Flower Remedies for 30 years, and armed with a comprehensive knowledge of the Bach Flower Remedies, acquired through extensive interactions with clients, customers, family, friends, and even family pets, she is now prepared to share her expertise in a simple-to-understand practical book. This book provides answers to all the questions she has encountered over the years. Featuring helpful reference charts for both people and animals and a questionnaire to help you select the right remedies for yourself, this book covers all the Bach Flower Remedies, Rescue Remedy and how to use them on your whole family and your pets throughout all stages of life. Additionally, Bettina has included many of her personal experiences with the Bach Flower Remedies written in a simple and practical way to help you implement them into your own life.
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"Una Guía Práctica Para Los Remedios de Flor de Bach" por Bettina Rasmussen
Una Guía Práctica Para Los Remedios de Flor de Bach fue escrita
por Bettina Rasmussen, una Practicante formada por la Fundación Bach con
30 años de experiencia.
Bettina fundó a
mediados de los años 90, en los inicios de internet, para compartir su
amor por los Remedios de Flor de Bach.
Después de trabajar con
los Remedios de Flor de Bach durante 30 años, Bettina siente ahora la
necesidad de compartir el conocimiento y la experiencia que ha adquirido
a lo largo de muchos años trabajando con personas, niños y animales.
Este libro, que incluye útiles cuadros de referencia y cuestionarios,
abarca todos los Remedios de Flor de Bach y cómo utilizarlos con toda tu
familia y tus mascotas. Además, Bettina ha incluido muchas de sus
experiencias personales con los Remedios de Flor de Bach, escritas de
manera sencilla y práctica para ayudarte a aplicarlos en tu propia vida.
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Healing Herbs - Bach Flower Poster (Spanish)
Brand new poster from Healingherbs that allows you to identify the
plants and their use and application using either the 12-7-19 method or
the 7 Emotional Groups method.
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Healing Herbs - The Twelve Healers DVD
Twelve short films about the first remedies discovered by Dr Bach known as The Twelve Healers. The flowers are shown in their natural habitat. Nickie Murray in conversation with Julian Barnard, describes the emotional states of each plant which informs the action of each remedy.
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"A Practical Guide To The Bach Flower Remedies" by Bettina Rasmussen (Signed by Author)
"A Practical Guide to the Bach Flower Remedies" Signed by Author
After working with the Bach Flower Remedies for 30 years, and armed with a comprehensive knowledge of the Bach Flower Remedies, acquired through extensive interactions with clients, customers, family, friends, and even family pets, she is now prepared to share her expertise in a simple-to-understand practical book. This book provides answers to all the questions she has encountered over the years. Featuring helpful reference charts for both people and animals and a questionnaire to help you select the right remedies for yourself, this book covers all the Bach Flower Remedies, Rescue Remedy and how to use them on your whole family and your pets throughout all stages of life. Additionally, Bettina has included many of her personal experiences with the Bach Flower Remedies written in a simple and practical way to help you implement them into your own life.
In Stock
Bach Flower Audit Online Course
Introduction to Dr. Edward Bach, his Amazing Flower Remedies.
Learn about Dr. Bach's life, how he discovered the Bach Flower Remedies, how to use and select the correct Remedies for yourself and others.
The course includes:
Bach Flower Audit Course include images, text, and videos to educate about Dr. Edward Bach, his Amazing Flower Remedies.
ESPAÑOL - Introducción a los Remedios Florales de Bach
Introducción al Dr. Edward Bach, sus increíbles remedios florales, lecciones y cuestionarios para reforzar lo que has aprendido.
Curso de flores de Bach con certificación de finalización Aprenda sobre la vida del Dr. Bach, cómo descubrió los remedios florales de Bach y cómo usar y seleccionar los remedios correctos para usted y los demás.
El curso incluye:
Las lecciones incluyen imágenes, texto y videos, seguidos de preguntas para reforzar la información y pruebas de su comprensión.
- Un certificado de finalización (al lograr una puntuación del 70% +)
- Un libro: Los 38 remedios florales de Bach (sólo EE.UU.)
- Un cupón de descuento de $ 10.00 para usar en
(Pedido mínimo de $50.00, y no combinado con ningún otro descuento u oferta)
10x A Practical Guide To The Bach Flower Remedies by Bettina Rasmussen
After working with the Bach Flower Remedies for 30 years, and armed with a comprehensive knowledge of the Bach Flower Remedies, acquired through extensive interactions with clients, customers, family, friends, and even family pets, she is now prepared to share her expertise in a simple-to-understand practical book. This book provides answers to all the questions she has encountered over the years. Featuring helpful reference charts for both people and animals and a questionnaire to help you select the right remedies for yourself, this book covers all the Bach Flower Remedies, Rescue Remedy and how to use them on your whole family and your pets throughout all stages of life. Additionally, Bettina has included many of her personal experiences with the Bach Flower Remedies written in a simple and practical way to help you implement them into your own life.
Available as eBook as well