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Animals and the Bach Flower Remedies.

Animals have emotions too. They too feel fear, anger, jealousy, and depression just like us.
The Bach Flower Remedies are able to help our animals when they have negative emotions just as they help us when we are emotionally out of balance. Unfortunately, we are not able to ask our pet why it acts depressed, but we do know if it misses a friend or gets overly excited around new people.
The Bach Flower Remedies are safe for both humans and animals; dogs, cats, horses, birds

Go here if you wish to learn more about using the Bach Flower Remedies on animals www.BachFlowerPets.com

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Rescue Remedy Pet 20ml Rescue Remedy Pet 🐾 20ml (Drops)

Alcohol Free. Works wonders for animals who are impatient, fearful, and have been through traumatic situations. Used for fear of thunder or fireworks, and for animals who do not feel at peace with themselves.

Add 2 drops to their drinking water and see how quickly they return to normal.

Inactive Ingredients:
80% Vegetable Glycerin, 20% Water

Sale Price: $25.95

Rescue Remedy Pet Sleep 10ml Rescue Remedy Pet Sleep 🐾 10ml (Drops)

Alcohol Free. Helps relieve restless nighttime behavior: hyperactivity; trouble sleeping caused by an overactive mind & body; stress, tension, & anxiousness.

Inactive Ingredients:
80% Vegetable Glycerin, 20% Water

Price: $20.00
Rescue Remedy Pet 10ml Alcohol Free Rescue Remedy Pet 🐾 10ml (Drops)

Alcohol Free. Works wonders for animals who are impatient, fearful, and have been through traumatic situations. Used with for fear of thunder, firework, or do animal does not feel at peace with themselves.

Add 2 drops to their drinking water and see how quickly they return to normal.

Inactive Ingredients
: 80% Vegetable Glycerin, 20% water


Sale Price: $18.95

Aspen 20ml Aspen 20ml

"Feel Secure"

Fear, worries, unknown fears Human Indication: Fears and worries of unknown origin.
Human indication: Fears and worries of unknown origin.
Pet indication: Vague or unaccountable fears. Appearing agitated for no apparent reason.

Inactive Ingredient:
Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Agrimony 20ml Agrimony 20ml

"Communicate Openly"

Addiction, unhappy, anxiety, dislike being alone
Human indication: Mental torment behind a brave face. Appears carefree and humorous in order to mask anxieties.
Animal/Pet indication: Worried, anxious, dislike being alone

Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Beech 20ml Beech 20ml

"Be More Tolerant"

Intolerance, critical, lack of compassion
Human indication:
When you need more tolerance toward other people.
Animal/Pet indication: Intolerance toward animals, people, events and situations.

Inactive Ingredient:
Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Rock Water 20ml Rock Water 20ml

"Flexible Mind"

Keywords: Self repression, self denial, self perfection, overwork, self-sacrificing, opinionated
Human indication:
Is indicated when you are too strict and set too-high standards for yourself, to the point of self-domination and self-martyrdom

Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Centaury 20ml Centaury 20ml

"Be Assertive"

Weak-willed, bullied, unable to say no, imposed on, lack energy, tired, timid, passive, quiet
Human indication: When you have a hard time saying NO and therefore easily get imposed on.

Inactive Ingredient:
Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Cerato 20ml Cerato 20ml

"Trust Intuition"

Keywords: Confirmation, seek advice, do not trust own wisdom or judgment
Human indication: When you do not trust your own judgment in decision-making, keep asking for advise.

Inactive Ingredient:
Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Cherry Plum 20ml Cherry Plum 20ml

"Be in Control"

Keywords: Fear of losing control, temper tantrum, breakdown, abusive, rage, explode, rage.
Human indication: When you are in deep despair and feel like you are going to "lose it."
Animal/Pet indication: A loss of self-control, violent scratching.

Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Chestnut Bud 20ml Chestnut Bud 20ml

"Learn From Mistakes"

Keywords: Learning, repeating mistakes
Human indication: Keeps repeating the same mistake, doesn't learn from past mistakes.
Animal/Pet indication: Repeated unsuccessful behavior patterns, doesn't learn from past mistakes.

Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Chicory 20ml Chicory 20ml

"Love Unconditionally"

Keywords: Possessive, over-protective, self-centered, critical, nagging, self-pity, easily offended, manipulating, demanding
Human Indication: When you find yourself manipulating and controlling your loved ones.
Animal/Pet Indication: Possessive in nature, very territorial, manipulating, loving to be in control.

Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Clematis 20ml Clematis 20ml

"Have Focus"

Daydreaming, dreaminess, withdrawing, lack of concentration
Human indication: When you have a tendency to live in your own dream world with little interest in the real world, accident prone, daydreaming.
Animal/Pet indication: No apparent interest in the world around them: animals who sleep all the time, have trouble paying attention, or seem to live more in a dream than in the present.
Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Crab Apple 20ml Crab Apple 20ml

"Accept Imperfection"

Keywords: Cleansing, poor self-image, sense of uncleanliness, obsessive.
Human indication: When you feel unclean or have a hard time accepting your own self-image.
Cleansing. Use externally on ringworm, rashes and warts.
Animal indication: Obsessive cleanliness, fastidiousness; excessive grooming. Pets with rashes.

Inactive Ingredient: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
Elm 20ml Elm 20ml

"Be Efficient"

Keywords: Depression, overwhelmed by responsibilities, despondent, exhausted
Human indication: Feeling overwhelmed and depressed, there is too much to do and you don't feel that you can do it all.
Animal/Pet indication:
Overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility from a temporary circumstance: abandoning their litter

Inactive Ingredient
: Preservative 27% Grape Alcohol

Price: $19.65
In Stock
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