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Bach Flower Remedies and Education
Bach Flower Remedies for children
Cayenne Pepper Benefits your Overall Health
Celtic Sea Salt
Grapefruit Seed Extract Benefits
Healing Properties of Neem Tree Oil
Health Benefits of Sprouts
How to Treat Candida Naturally
How to Use Essential Oils for Stress Relief
Immune Defense Booster for Virus Infections
Les Fleurs de Bach USA - Fragrances for Beauty and Wellness
Liver Cleanse
Natural Skin and Hair Care doesn’t have to include harsh soap and chemicals.
Omega-3 from Fatty Fish, Walnuts and Seeds
Probiotics 101 - A Simple Beginner’s Guide
Reset Your Body with a 3-day Fast
Seasonal Allergies
The 12 Primary Tissue (Cell) Salts and Their Health Benefits
There is a relationship between digestion and healthy skin.
Tips for Better Sleep
Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods


Intermittent Fasting and Your Health

Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help you live a longer and healthier life. In October 2017, Mark Mattson, neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging and John Hopkins University School of Medicine, found that mice that had fasted regularly extended their lifespan, and experienced fewer chronic physical and mental illnesses common in old age, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.”